  • 中科纳能万众创新共享服务空间
    无柱 自然采光
    会议室 5间 
    最大会场 105m²
    客房 -
  • 塔塔IT培训中心
    深圳市南山区科技南十二路中电照明大厦北座2C 高新园地铁站D出口400米到达项目 公交车站:大冲、高新园地铁站、中科大厦等30部公交线路 项目优势分析: 豪华装修 东近沙河西路,南接深圳湾科技园,西接深圳大学,北接高新园,便捷的交通...
    无柱 场地方正 自然采光
    会议室 8间 
    最大会场 110m²
    客房 -
  • 深圳大学城ICON LAB艾垦酒店
    酒店坐落于深圳市南山区西丽大学城片区,毗邻益田.假日里商场,地铁5号线大学城站直达,交通便利,环境优美,距离南山高新科技园,深圳湾口岸仅需20分钟车程。 酒店拥有现代时尚个性的客房,房内可一览活力新兴都市风光。酒店中西餐厅可为宾客提供丰富膳食选择,数个功能齐全的会议场地可满足不同的会议及社交活动需求。 深圳大学城尚美水晶酒店是深圳市兰兹酒店管理有限公司深圳高端酒店品牌,其设计理念是以追求符合当代城市人的美学生活方式为主题,为每位宾客奉献超群绝伦的个性品质体验。...
    场地方正 自然采光
    会议室 6间 
    最大会场 200m²
    客房 155间 
  • 7天优品酒店Premium(深圳科技园高新园地铁站店)
    7天优品Premium·深圳科技园高新园地铁站店地处科技园核心区域,南临深南大道,北靠北环大道,西接科苑路,距地铁一号线高新园站B出口仅500米,交通十分便利;TCL 、创维 、 联想 、华为、中兴、腾讯、长城、科兴科学园、金融科技大厦、普联科技等知名大厦及企业近在咫尺(步行5分钟);距离旅游景区“世界之窗”、“欢乐谷”、“锦绣中华”仅5分钟车程(坐地铁仅有两站);距离万象天地只要步行5分钟,距离深圳湾口岸8分钟车程、距离深圳湾人才公园、后海总部基地仅8分钟车程、距离深圳湾公园(红树林海滨生态公园)仅6分钟车程;为市民和游客提供了集休闲娱乐、健身运动、观光旅游、体验自然等多功能活动的区域,是离深圳湾体育馆就近的一家优品。本酒店致力于打造商务休闲与旅游度假兼备的时尚精品酒店! 酒店大堂设有书吧和水吧,如您坐在大堂配上一本好书,品上一杯花茶,再加上一首舒缓的音乐,给您旅途增加一份惊喜。 酒店餐厅环境优雅、温馨舒适,提供营养健康、种类丰富的自助早餐,给您高品质的饮食体验,为您繁忙的旅途增添一份欢愉和安心。 酒店增设会议室,为您提供视听设备和专业温馨的服务;自助洗衣房,洗衣烘干一气呵成,为您旅途减轻一点负担;健身房,将运动融入生活,让您尽情挥洒汗水,释放压力。 7天优品Premium是铂涛集团旗下,聚焦商旅住宿需求的高品质酒店。它来源于当代年轻人在商旅出行中,对优质睡眠的渴求,旨在通过一个兼具品质感、体验感的酒店产品,为当代年轻人的商旅出行提供一处拥有越级体验的舒睡意境。 提供免费停车场,优雅的住宿环境、良好的硬件设施,让您体验不一样的7天优品,这里是您来到科技园差旅的必选之地,我店全体员工期待您的光临! 7-day premium · Shenzhen Science and Technology Park gaoxinyuan subway station store is located in the core area of science and technology park. It is adjacent to Shennan Avenue in the south, Beihuan Avenue in the north, Keyuan Road in the west, and only 500m from exit b of gaoxinyuan station of Metro Line 1. The transportation is very convenient; TCL, Skyworth and Lenovo Huawei, ZTE, Tencent, great wall, Kexing Science Park, financial technology building, Pulian technology and other famous buildings and enterprises are close (5 minutes' walk); it's only 5 minutes' drive from the tourist attractions "window of the world", "Happy Valley" and "Splendid China" (only two stops by subway); it's only 5 minutes' walk from Vientiane world; it's 8 minutes' drive from Shenzhen Bay Port It is only 8 minutes' drive from Shenzhen Bay talent Park, Houhai headquarters base, and 6 minutes' drive from Shenzhen Bay Park (mangrove seashore Ecological Park). It provides a multi-functional activity area for citizens and tourists, including leisure and entertainment, fitness, sightseeing and tourism, and experiencing nature. It is the nearest excellent product from Shenzhen Bay gymnasium. The hotel is committed to building a fashionable boutique hotel with both business leisure and tourism holiday! There are book bar and water bar in the lobby of the hotel. If you sit in the lobby with a good book, taste a cup of flower tea, and add a soothing music, you will have a surprise on your journey. The restaurant environment is elegant, warm and comfortable, providing nutritious and healthy breakfast buffet, providing you with a high-quality eating experience and adding happiness and peace to your busy journey. The hotel has set up a meeting room to provide you with audio-visual equipment and professional warm services; self-service laundry, laundry and drying in one go, to reduce the burden of your journey; the gym, to integrate sports into your life, let you enjoy your sweat and release the pressure. 7-day premium is a high-quality hotel under the platinum group, focusing on business travel and accommodation needs. It comes from the desire for high-quality sleep of contemporary young people in business travel. It aims to provide a comfortable sleep mood with super level experience for the business travel of contemporary young people through a hotel product with a sense of quality and experience. Provide free parking, elegant accommodation environment, good hardware facilities, let you experience different 7-day superior products, here is the first choice for you to travel to the science and Technology Park, all staff of our store are looking forward to your presence!...
    场地方正 自然采光
    会议室 3间 
    最大会场 185m²
    客房 164间 
  • 深圳科兴科学园国际会议中心
    场地方正 无柱 自然采光
    会议室 5间 
    最大会场 590m²
    客房 -


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